Sabtu, 23 April 2016


System Software terdiri dari program-program yang mengontrol atau mempertahankan operasi komputer dan devicesnya.
  • Operating System (OS) adalah sebuah program penghubung antara user komputer dan hardware komputer.
  • OS merupakan kumpulan program yang dibuat oleh pabrik komputer dengan memperhatikan bentuk dan cara kerja hardware yang mereka miliki.
  • Operating System berdasar American National Standart Institute (ANSI) adalah: Software yang mengontrol pelaksanaan program-program komputer, yaitu dengan mengatur waktu proses, pengecekan kesalahan, mengontrol input dan output, melakukan perhitungan, kompilasi, penyimpanan, pengolahan data serta pelbagai bentuk layanan yang terkait.

Tujuan Dari Operating System
  • Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan menggunakan komputer semaksimal mungkin, dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan khususnya untuk mengurangi ‘waktu nganggur’ yang dialami oleh komputer.  Program-program dalam OS biasanya ditulis dan disusun oleh pabrik komputer yang bersangkutan.
  • Menyediakan keadaan yang mana users  dapat menjalankan program.
  •  Untuk mengunakan hardware komputer  secara efisien
Sistem Operasi terdiri dari : Control Program dan OS Service. 

Fungsi Dasar Operating System

  • Systems Management
  • User Interface
  • Memory Allocation
  • Multitasting, Multiprogramming, and Multiprocessing
  • Times and Statistic
  • Increasing Services from O/Ss
The proces of starting or restarting a computer is called booting.

An operating system includes various shut down options.

A user interface controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on the screen. With a graphical user interface (GUI), you interact with menus and visual images.

With a command-line interface, a user uses the keyboard to enter data and instructions.

How an operating systems handles programs directly affects your productivity?
  • Single user and multiuser
  • Single tasking and multitasking
  • Foreground and background
  • Preemptive and multitasking
  • Multiprocessing
Memory management optimizes the use of RAM. Virtual memory is a portion of a storage medium functioning as additional RAM.

The operating system determines the order in which tasks are processed

Operatoring systems typically provide a means to establish Internet Connections

A performance monitor is a program that assesses and reports information about various computer resources and devices

Operating systems often provide users with the capability of:
  • Managing files
  • Searching for files
  • Viewing images
  • Securing a computer
  • Uninstalling programs
  • Cleaning up disks
  • Defragmenting disks
  • Diagnosing problems
  • Backing up files and disks 
  • Setting up screen savers
Automatic update automatically provides updates to the program

  1. Some operating systems are designed to work with a server on a network. 
  2. A server operating system organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network. 
  3. A network administrator uses the server operating system to:
    Ø  Add and remove users, computers, and other devices
    Ø  Install software and administer network security
Each user has a user account
  • A user name, or user ID, identifies a specific user
  • A password is a private combination of characters associated with the user name

Types of Operating Systems

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